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Course Catalog

Course Catalog

Course Catalog Cover Page

This High School Course Catalog has been developed to assist students and parents in planning high school programs. It will serve to inform both the student and their parents of graduation requirements and the broad range of required and elective courses available in the high schools of the Williamsville Central School District.

It is the responsibility of students to discuss course options with school counselors and other appropriate individuals within their high school building to gather additional information that this Catalog does not convey.

It should also be understood that the three high schools in the Williamsville Central School District, although pursuing the same goals and objectives through their course offerings, represent different learning environments. These environments are a function of the student, as well as the teachers and community surrounding the school. The Williamsville Central School District faculty prides themselves on incorporating the philosophy of Differentiated Instruction into their classroom activities and lessons. By utilizing this philosophy, educators present content material in various ways to address learning styles, readiness levels, and varied interests among students. Differentiated Instruction also offers students the opportunity to work with their peers in groups that are heterogeneously mixed. Structuring lessons in this fashion helps to ensure that students are exercising positive social skills and successfully accessing course material.

It is hoped that through the use of this Catalog and the other services available that the high school educational program decided upon will help all students to reach their personal goals and provide them with satisfying and enlightening life experiences.